Buff Marsh Daisy
Buff Marsh Daisy cockerel
Buff Marsh Daisy cockerel
Note: Some people have commented that this cockerel shows very good colours but the is too upright to be correct)
The photo on this page is a BUFF MARSH DAISY COCK - The property of Mrs J Larkins. Winner of Best Buff cock at the Club Show Birmingham 1925. It has been kindly scanned by David Scrivener from the Feathered World Yearbook of 1928. It has been included as it is a good example of the Marsh Daisy type and the Marsh Daisy comb.
Buff Marsh Dasiy 1926
The property of Mrs J Larkins. Winner of Best Buff cock at the Club Show Birmingham 1925. It has been kindly scanned by David Scrivener from the Feathered World Yearbook of 1928. It has been included as it is a good example of the Marsh Daisy type and the Marsh Daisy comb.