Breed Advice 1926
Feathered World Year Book 1926
Again by Mrs J Larkins, Vice-President and Hon Treasurer of the Marsh Daisy Club
I can say without hesitation that the past year has been the very best we have had yet, both for the number of shows at which classes have been put on for the breed and the number of birds exhibited. Many shows owing, no doubt to the well filled classes at earlier ones, have scheduled a class or two, without asking them to be guaranteed. That this is partly due to Lord Canterbury having taken up the breed so earnestly, there is not the least doubt but even so, many new names have appeared in the list of exhibitors this past year, which we are all very pleased to see, even more and still more will be welcome.
The really good entries, we feel, have been influenced by the number of specials, so freely given by members. The honours too have been more widespread than in previous years, which is as it should be.
The Wheatens are still the popular variety to a number of members. They are more like the Club Ideal each year, though in some birds, a little red in lobes as well as a slight looseness of feather is creeping in. This must not be, or the tightness of feather which is one of the chief features of the breed, will very soon get lost sight of.
Buffs are progressing very favourably and have been more exhibited this past year. I have noticed several new names in the list of exhibitors, which gives me great satisfaction, especially at our Club Show in Birmingham, Kings Lynn and Leicester; their qualities only want to be known to be appreciated.
Whites have not done as well as we hoped but they are showing great promise, however, so we hope on.
Browns made their debut in the exhibition world at the Royal Lancashire, where we had two well filled classes. Lord Canterbury had an easy triumph, with his early hatched chickens. Browns are easy to breed and rear and we hope they will be very popular in the near future. However, the advent of the Brown variety has pulled us up sharp in breeding Wheatens. There will have to be more care taken in mating up the breeding pen, so as not to get Browns but this matter will have to be thrashed out amongst us and I hope we will be ready with more strict discipline of undercolour before the breeding season begins.
Darwin Show was held in June, where we had two well filled classes, as well as at several other shows during the summer months. Kings Lynn was a great success, it being our first time for Marsh Daisies in Norfolk. I would like to mention that Lord Canterbury, whose residence is in this county, was the pioneer of this show. He offered a silver cup to the Best Marsh Daisy and Mr Stott was the proud winner with a five year old hen. This hen was afterwards claimed at catalogue price, quite a record for Marsh Daisy breeders.
Our Club Show, held in conjunction with Birmingham Show brought out fifty eight entries in the four classes, two of these were for Wheatens. Buffs had a strong class of nice even colour, showing great progress in this variety. The Breed’s Cup going to this variety shows at least that progress is being made in the right direction. The A.O.C. class had sixteen entries, chiefly Whites and Browns. By the new arrangement at the Birmingham Show, our Club benefited to the extent of £2.2s, half profits on the four classes, a welcome windfall and very acceptable to our Club funds.
The Black variety has been accepted to Club standard at our Club Show (1925).
At the Grand International (Palace), it was my privilege to judge two well filled classes. In the Wheaten Class the quality and condition were very fine; A.O.C. was not so strong but very promising, a Brown hen was an easy first.
I find we are making great strides in Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, as several new names are in the list of awards, which we are hoping will be on our list of members for 1926.
Our breed did fairly well at the Bentley laying test, five pens of five birds each competed. On the whole I am justified in saying this last year has been our very best yet.
A last reminder to breeders, especially new members, is to keep to the Club standard and type. Keep a watchful eye on lobes and legs, and last, but not least, keep feather tight. These things are quite easy if you keep a sharp look-out when mating. But should any member not be quite sure about her or his mating, if they will write to our Hon Sec. as he is always ready and willing to help all, especially when mating up.
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