Breed Advice 1934
Feathered World Year Book 1934
From an article written by Mr E C Parsons of Williton, Somerset a leading breeder of Blacks
For the benefit of the novice I should like to give my views on the type of Marsh Daisy female to be aimed at. The ideal is a square bodied, compact bird, with a bold head and eye and a gamey appearance (loose feathered birds should not be encouraged); the back should be long and medium length leg. This also applies to the male bird, which should be broad shouldered with the legs set well apart. The best exhibition bird is the best utility bird and too large birds should not be encouraged. The chicks feather very quickly.
In the opinion of one of the oldest Marsh Daisy breeders the Palace entrants were the nicest lot shown for several years. There is a marked improvement in lobes, some very fine white lobes being seen. The Wheaten males were a very even lot and must have set the judge a difficult task to place them.
It was not altogether very satisfactory to combine male and female in one class (the classes were Wheaten male or female, and A.O.C. male or female) and if at all possible next year the classes should be divided. In the opinion of the members present the awards were about right, with two exceptions; these were the award of 2nd to a black breasted cock in the Wheaten class and some of the older breeders thought that Mr White’s Brown pullet should have been in the money.
I was very pleased to see new names among the prize winners and also our old friend Mr G W Stott. I hope he is returning once more to the show bench.
Some mention should be made of our activities at laying tests during the past year. The birds entered by Mr Blackmore and Mr Insley at the National and Malpas Tests went through the whole period without laying a single second grade egg.
Although our birds have performed very creditably at laying tests, it must be understood that Marsh Daisy breeders are not and never have been, out to produce an egg machine and laying test entries have been made solely to satisfy the requests for information by enquirers.
The Marsh Daisy was evolved to supply the need for a good profitable winter layer of three to four seasons and a small boned fleshy table bird. This it does completely and in our opinion is a better proposition than the bird which lays a spectacular number of small eggs that has to be scrapped after two seasons.