Breed Advice 1927
Feathered World Year Book 1927
Written by Mrs J Larkins
Reviewing the shows of the year, I believe we may claim that the breed has held it’s own. Beginning at Darwen Show, we had two well-filled classes. Next the Royal Norfolk at Yarmouth where Lord Canterbury was awarded Cup for best Marsh Daisy.
At the Royal Lancashire we had two chicken classes and had the satisfaction of occupying second position as to number of entries in exhibition classes.. We broke new ground by Mr Pearce putting on a class for either sex at March Show, which is an example other members might like to follow in their district. Hull had twenty five entries in two classes, my Wheaten hen taking premier honours. I was rather pleased at this as some of the best Marsh Daisies were on show. Birmingham had two well-filled classes, which might have been greater if our Club Show date was not so close up.
The Club Show was held at Crystal Place, where I am pleased to say a few of our principal members were able to meet. We had fifty entries as against fifty seven at Birmingham last year but I think that we can claim that what we lost in number, we gained in quality. The Wheaten females were easily the strongest. The males were poor in number to what we had expected; some of the latter were too buffy for Wheaten cocks, the Cup winner being good in colour but not at his best and will improve. The plumage of the third is our ideal, put down by Mr Stott but unfortunately failed in lobe. Others shown were very promising. The hens got pride of place in the female class, Mr Parsons taking first, Breed Cup and two specials, this bird won her class. The second was also one of our ideal, a little light in colour but nevertheless a famous winner; very few would think she is five years old – this speaks well for the Marsh Daisy. On the whole, the Wheatens were of good quality, plumage more level, especially in the 1926 birds, lobes fairly good but they still want attention, they show a little red in some birds yet. Green leg much improved. Here I would like to point out that a little grey-green is creeping in and is scarcely noticable until the birds moult, when the outer scale falls off. I have heard judges say, “She is a nice typical bird but her legs are blue”. To be accurate, they are not blue, as when the bird is in condition her legs show this grey-green. This is not our ideal green; we want a willow green; this has a slight shade of yellow, which young willows have in spring. The Buff variety is much improved in colour. Our Club is kindly giving me the credit of getting this variety to a nice golden buff. However, we have eliminated the ticked backs, especially in females who were worst in this respect. Cocks are much improved, though some are warm in colour. Legs and lobes are very good, in fact there is a marked improvement. Exhibition birds can be improved in size; some reports say slightly narrow in shoulder but on the other hand utility birds are on the heavy side. As standard points are fairly well balanced it will not be difficult to get the happy medium.
Mr Chamberlain, a new member, took the honours at the Palace.
I am sorry to report that the White variety has fallen off. The green leg has been the chief difficulty. There was only one showing in AOV class, though nice in shape, her legs were yellow.
Though the Black variety is progressing favourably, breeders meet with the same difficulty of green in leg, in fact this is their weakest point at present. Next is size in females; they are rather small; white lobes are good and easy to get. Very few males were on show. One shown by Mr Cadwell is supposed to be a direct descendant of old Mr Wright’s, who bred the forebears of the present Marsh Daisies. This cockerel was larger, in fact too large, rather high on legs, which were black, except at back of shank, where it was a very slight shade of green. This bird took the honours in Blacks.
Browns are slowly improving and they are being taken up by some other members. Their colour wants very little attention even on a large farm. It was a Brown hen that got pride of place in AOV class at the Crystal Palace. She was a little too small and the majority of those shown had too deep a green in leg; lobe and head points are fairly smart. The Brown cock shown was too heavy but looked in the pink and was awarded third and special.
On the utility side we require strenuous culling as shown by the pens at Bentley Test. The winning pen in our section, owned by Mr Porter, had a flock average of 168 eggs, each bird contributing. Mr Hemelryk’s pen had it’s progress spoiled by one hen laying very badly, in fact his record of 815 eggs was made by four hens; nevertheless Mr Hemelryk is proud to say that his birds laid very few second grade eggs. Mr Stott too had one poor layer amongst his five birds, which spoiled his pen record, those pullets he had at home doing much better.
During 1926 awards were much more widespread, which gave great pleasure. The Breed’s Cup went to Mr Parsons and Cup for opposite sex to Viscount Canterbury which shows the best birds are not all bred in one yard, though Mr Stott came third in the honours this year and occasionally I got in the running, which was very pleasing considering my experience.
Our Hon Sec, Mr Stott has been rather handicapped with business during 1926 yet managed to send “Marsh Daisy Doings” to The Feathered World. The annoying part is so few members reply to Club matters, though urgently requested to do so. It would help a great deal if members would all take The Feathered World weekly and even send a card in reply to queries concerning our breed. We have sixtenn new members just accepted, still, like Oliver Twist, we want more. Our Hon Secretary will be very pleased to have new names for our Club Year Book and advise any who hesitate about the breed.
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